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Weather Data Infographic

fernanda villalobos

I wasn't sure what the assignment was at first, but after asking some classmates questions I got a sense of the project. I'm still unsure about some things but I still wanted to make something. This isn't supposed to be an app but I used an iPhone frame in Figma.

The infographic is supposed to help you figure out the best time for running, I'm not sure if it should be clickable or something you're supposed to look at. Since it's a lot of information I decided to have some interaction available but on a single screen. I wanted to include information for the current day and time, then underneath show the temperatures for the rest of the day. The green color of the bars is supposed to mean that the temperature is still decent for running but once the temperature starts getting in the low 40's it changes to orange which means its not the best. If the bar was red then that would mean the temperature is not ideal for running. Underneath I included a section for the week where you can quickly click the "M, T, W , Th, F, S,Su" the current day of the week would be excluded in this. If you click for example Tuesday you get information on the weather for that day and if its a good running day. I also wanted to include a simple graph that summarizes the temperatures for the week.

Figma Prototype:

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