Current weather.
Weather forecast.
Today’s school cafeteria menu.
Location and time.
Next assignments and due dates. Assignment headline only. Can appear to be a link to a more detailed view.
One class has changed its location.
Some recent pix from friends.
Some recent pix curated by the school.
Next school holiday dates.
Two notices of upcoming school events at different places and times.
A warning or very important school-wide todo item. “Vote before November 3rd,” for example. Just a headline. Can appear to be a link to a more detailed view.
A recent message from a friend.
A recent message from a professor.
The first thing I did was start with what I thought was the most important element so it could be at the top.For me that was the "warning" or very important school-wide todo item because its something that could be small but should be located quickly the moment you open the app. The next elements that should be towards the top because people tend to check their messages frequently are "message from friend" and "message from professor". I grouped those two elements together. I kept trying to find similar elements so I could group them together, the weather is something that people like to know at the start of their day so I grouped "current weather" and "weather forecast" towards the top. I repeated this grouping process and tried to keep each Fram relatively small and added vertical/horizontal scrolling. Each grouping has a heading and icon, so the sectioning is clear. I didn't add any colors because I spend most of the time figuring out the placement of all the elements. If I wanted to make the groupings even more clear I would incorporate color.