In this lab we needed to model and render our final project. For my final project, I wanted to create a toy because I have always been interested in the design of many toys. I chose to model something after the Jack in the Box toy. However, I still wanted my model to be slightly different from the original toy, my box will be made out of wood and instead of having a stuffed clown jump out the box, it will be 3d printing a giraffe. The first thing I modeled was the box, and then I made the giraffe. The giraffe was created with many extruded shapes that were later cage edited. I made the handle with the pipe command and I imported a spring from McMaster-Carr. My goal is for to have my final project work like the original toy, someone will turn the handle and the giraffe will pop out. I haven't fully finished modeling the inner mechanisms of the box but I do have something modeled next to one of the walls of the box.
The way I intend to make my final project is by laser cutting wood to make the box, I am still unsure if I will use joints or nails for the box. I am going to 3D print the giraffe that will be placed Inside the box. I will either purchase a metal handle and 3D print the end of the handle or I will 3d print the entire thing. I will be purchasing a spring, hinges and nails. I will also be 3D printing the majority of the mechanisms that will be inside the box. There will be a spinning gear that will cause the hook connected to the top of the box to be released.
In addition to modeling our final project, we also needed to model three additional things that help define the space in which our project ideally lives. I wanted my model to be placed somewhere so I decided to model a toy shelf. I imagine other toys being placed on the shelf as well so I decided to model 3 additional toys. Since the Jack in the Box is a vintage toy I modeled toys that matched the era. The first toy I modeled was a wooden rocking horse, I imported an image of a rocking horse and used curves to trace the horse. I then extruded the curves and added details. The other object I modeled was a spinner toy, I created this toy with spheres and the loft command. The ball was extra because it's a simple design yet it still matches the environment. The final object I modeled was the book shelf.
Now that all of the objects were modeled in Rhino, they needed to be rendered in Fusion 360 so they will look more realistically. I intentionally colored the objects in rhino so I could easily edit their appearance in Fusion. The material for the rocking horse and jack in the box is different types of wood. The spinner and the ball are both made of plastic. The shelf is just a simple matte white color. The lighting I chose is warm light. I dowloaded an environment that I found online, it's a children's bedroom. The book shelf was floating in the air and I couldn't position it somewhere in the environment so I decided to leave the gray background.