For this assignment I wanted to create interfaces for vitamin/pill storage. I wanted these interfaces to not only store vitamins/pills but also help remind the consumer to take them. Interface (1) is essentially a watch but it has a finger scanner that opens a compartment containing the pills. This could be helpful for someone who is on the go and only has a few vitamins/pills they need to take. Interface (2) is less technological, it's just a water bottle with a screw off bottom, containing the pills/vitamins. This interface is very practical because it's serves two purposes and water is typically needed to consume your pills/vitamins. Interface (3) is more focused on design with some element of technology. This interface has 7 petals or compartments containing the pills/vitamins and the middle circle lets you know what day it is and indicates whether you have consumed your pills/vitamins. Interface (4) resembles an alarm clock that can remind you to take your vitamins/pills. In this interface you press a button corresponding to the day of the week and at the bottom a slot opens up revealing your pill/vitamin. Interface (5) is something very familiar to all of us, it's a toothbrush. Many people take vitamins/pills in the morning and/or night, similar to brushing your teeth. This interface has a compartment containing the pills/vitamins.
I personally think that the watch is the most interesting because it's portable, tells time, serves as a reminder, and has the compartment for the pills/vitamins. The finger scan is not necessary but it can be useful for security purposes or pairing with other technology.