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Hiroshi Ishii Talk

fernanda villalobos

Hiroshi Ishii began his presentation by talking about tangible bits, they are a new stream strategy and the intangible strategy is mainstream. He mentions three material options for technological design. Frozen atoms, intangible pixels, and radical atoms. Hiroshi mentions that he wanted to invent new tangible interactions. He presented pictures and videos of his projects. They were all artistic and analytic, he captures the essence of tangible interactions in his work. One of the projects he presented was the I/O brush. I was very impressed by this project in particular because I have a passion for painting and drawing. The brush picks up colors, patterns and movements from the physical world and you can draw with them. There is a sense of “magic” that comes from Hiroshi Ishii’s work. The I/O brush is an example of something that is physical and digital. The artist is holding a physical brush and using digital technology to create art. Another project he presented were these programmable droplets that move, split, and combine. When the droplets combine, they change color, Hiroshi Ishii mentioned that you could paint with the droplets. I was also intrigued by this project because I could see myself using something like this. Many of his projects hold a purpose, the droplets help artists create art in a new and interesting way. His work was very interesting because I have always been fascinated with the combination of technology and art. Hiroshi Ishii’s projects are transdisciplinary and most, if not all, involve human interaction. Another project he talked in great detail about was called inForm. He showed a video of someone using their hands to interact with a red ball, but they never actually touch the ball. The video showed someone on a screen interacting a physical object. The ability to interact with something from a distance is an interesting concept. Objects can also be placed on the shapes; they move and interact with the objects. Hiroshi Ishii’s work is engaging and inspiring. Each project was unique in its own way. Learning about his projects has made me realize that there is no limit to imagination. Some Ideas may seem impossible but there might be a way to implement them into the physical world. I will definitely be researching more of his projects because I want to learn more about tangible media. I can’t imagine what type of projects there will be in the future. Hiroshi Ishii that radical atoms are the future, they go beyond what is tangible. At the end of the presentation, Hiroshi Ishii asked us, “What do you want to pass on to those in 2200!”. I wrote that down in my notebook because I did not want to forget those words.

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